We have access to the compendium Data Management Body of Knowledge (DMBoK) for review in the course. It can be downloaded as an epub (viewable in a ebook manager / viewer such as Calibre) or a PDF or Microsoft Word document rendered from the epub. IMHO, the PDF and Word versions are awkward to deal with and using the epub version on your own computer requires downloading an ebook manager or reader. I provide links below if you want to download one (or more) of these formats on your computer.

The epub version of DMBoK and the Calibre viewer have been installed in our course VM so my recommended approach to reviewing the DMBoK is to remote into the VM and double-click the DMBoK icon on the desktop; this will load the DMBoK in the Calibre viewer. Once in the viewer you can right-click to make the table-of-contents visible, search the text and perform other functions.

Links for downloading your own versions

DMBoK as epub

DMBok as PDF

DMBoK as Word document